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Sinalgo - Simulator for Network Algorithms |
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Model ImplementationThe models are a plug-in based system to describe the environment in which the network is simulated. E.g. the mobility model describes how the nodes move in the synchronous simulation mode. Each node object carries an instance of the following four models: Connectivity, Mobility, Interference, and Reliability. As a result, the nodes may carry different model implementation and may act differently. The message-transmission model describes how long the messages travel until arrival. This model applies globally, the framework only holds one instance. Finally, the distribution model describes how the nodes are placed in the deployment upon creation.Connectivity ModelThe connectivity model decides to which neighbors a node has a connection and inserts/removes the edges. To write your own connectivity model, create a subclass of sinalgo.models.ConnectivityModel and place the source-file in the models/connectivityModels/ folder of your project. Instances of this model implementboolean updateConnections(Node n) throws WrongConfigurationException; which determines for a given node n the set of neighbor nodes and returns whether the neighborhood has changed since the last call. This method needs to update the outgoingConnections member of node n, such that this collection contains an edge to every neighbor of n. In synchronous simulation mode, each node updates its connections
in every round. Refer to the synchronous
calling sequence section of this tutorial for more details. For
the asynchronous simulation, the framework does not support mobile
nodes. As a result, the framework does not call the connectivity
model at all, as it is often only necessary to setup the edges once
after the nodes have been created. Thus, the project is responsible
to call the following method at an appropriate time: To facilitate the implementation of a new connectivity model, you
may create a subclass of sinalgo.models.ConnectivityModelHelper. This
helper class implements the updateConnections(Node
n) method, and asks the subclass to implement the method
The ConnectivityModelHelper assumes that the connectivity is geometric. I.e. there is a maximum distance between connected nodes, above which no node pair is connected. This assumption permits to drastically cut down the neighbor-nodes the helper class needs to test. Note that this maximum distance needs to be specified for each project. Refer to the configuration and architecture section of this tutorial to learn more about how to configure a project and how the geometric node collection stores the nodes to perform range queries for neighbor nodes. For your convenience, the defaultProject already contains the following connectivity models. Note that these models are written as generic as possible. Therefore, you may need to add configuration settings to your project, depending on which model you select.
Interference ModelEach node carries an interference model instance that decides for each message sent to this node, whether the message may not arrive due to interference caused by other packets or other environmental noise. To create your own interference model, implement a subclass of sinalgo.models.InterferenceModel and place the file in the models/interferenceModels/ folder of your project.The model requires to implement the method boolean isDisturbed(Packet p), which tests, whether a message arriving at this node may be disturbed by interference. Implementation Notes: The Packet object passed to the isDisturbed(Packet p) method holds the message, the sender and receiver node, the intensity at which the sender is sending this packet, and other information that may be useful. To obtain a collection of all messages being sent at this moment, call sinalgo.tools.Tools.getPacketsInTheAir().
In synchronous simulation mode, the framework performs the interference test in every round. Refer to the synchronous calling sequence section of this tutorial for more details. For asynchronous simulations, the interference test is performed whenever an additional message is being sent or a message arrived. Additive interference in asynchronous mode: By default, the
asynchronous mode performs an interference test on all messages that
have not yet arrived whenever an additional message is sent, or a
message arrives. This is a quite expensive operation, and is not
necessary in most cases, where the interference is
additive. We call interference additive, if For your convenience, the defaultProject already contains the following interference models. Note that these models are written as generic as possible. Therefore, you may need to add configuration settings to your project, depending on which model you select.
Mobility ModelThe mobility model on each node object describes how the node moves in the synchronous simulation. (Asynchronous simulation does not support mobile nodes.) To create your own mobility model, implement a subclass of sinalgo.models.MobilityModel and place the file in the models/mobilityModels/ folder of your project.The model requires to implement the method Position getNextPos(Node n), which returns the new position of node n. In Sinalgo, mobility is simulated in terms of rounds. At the beginning of each round, the nodes are allowed to move to a new position, where they remain for the remainder of the round. (Refer to the calling sequence for more details.) Implementation Note: The discretization of the movement may be refined in the following way: Assume a simulation, where nodes move 1 distance unit per round. At the same time, a message takes 1 round to arrive at its destination. To achieve a higher resolution of the movement, you may reduce the node speed to 0.1 distance units per round, and increase the message transmission time to 10. Along this line, you may achieve arbitrarily close approximations to a continuous system, paying with simulation time. For your convenience, the defaultProject already contains the following mobility models. Note that these models are written as generic as possible. Therefore, you may need to add configuration settings to your project, depending on which model you select.
Reliability ModelThe reliability model installed on each node decides for each message, whether it should arrive at the destination or not. This model may be interesting to simulate a lossy packet networks, where some messages do not arrive for various reasons. To create your own reliability model, implement a subclass of sinalgo.models.ReliabilityModel and place the file in the models/reliabilityModels/ folder of your project.The model requires to implement the method boolean reachesDestination(Packet p), which determines whether the message arrives at the destination or not. Note that the interference model may overrule this decision and drop a message due to interference. However, the interference model cannot reincarnate an already dropped message. For your convenience, the defaultProject already contains the following reliability models. Note that these models are written as generic as possible. Therefore, you may need to add configuration settings to your project, depending on which model you select.
Message Transmission ModelThe message transmission model determines the time a message needs until it arrives at the destination node. The framework holds only one instance of this model, which applies for all nodes and all message types. To create your own message transmission model, implement a subclass of sinalgo.models.MessageTransmissionModel and place the file in the models/messageTransmissionModels/ folder of your project.The model requires to implement the method double timeToReach(Node startNode, Node endNode, Message msg), which determines the time to send a message from the startNode to the endNode. For synchronous simulations, the time is specified in rounds, where a time of 1 specifies the following round. In the asynchronous setting, this method returns the time units after which the message should arrive. .... The defaultProject contains the following two message transmission models.
Distribution ModelThe distribution model describes how the nodes are placed initially onto the deployment field when they are created. Whenever the framework creates a set of nodes, there needs to be an instance of a distribution model that places the nodes. To create your own distribution model, implement a subclass of sinalgo.models.DistributionModel and place the file in the models/distributionModels/ folder of your project.The distribution models implement an iterator-like interface that allows to retrieve the node positions in sequence. The model requires to implement the method Position getNextPosition(), which returns the position of a node. The framework calls this method exactly once for each created node. Initialization: After creating an instance of the distribution model, the framework sets the member variable numberOfNodes, and then calls the initialize() method. This method may be used to pre-calculate the positions of the nodes and obtain an iterator instance on the positions. The positions are retrieved only after this call. For your convenience, the defaultProject already contains the following distribution models. Note that these models are written as generic as possible. Therefore, you may need to add configuration settings to your project, depending on which model you select.
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