Sinalgo - Simulator for Network Algorithms

Sinalgo Setup

There are two flavors of Sinalgo: The toy release and the regular release. Download the toy release if you just want to have a glance at the project, but do not intend to run any simulations. For any other objectives, download the regular release for full access to all features of Sinalgo.


  • Sinalgo requires Java 5.0 (J2SE 5.0 JDK) or a more recent version.
  • Optionally, you may install a development tool, e.g. Eclipse. In the following, we will briefly sketch the setup of Sinalgo with Eclipse.
  • Optionally, you may also install Apache ANT, a tool that lets you easily build the framework from the command-line.

Toy Release

After downloading the toy release, unpack the compressed folder and double click the included jar file.

In case you have several versions of Java installed, ensure that the default version is 5.0 or higher.

Note: If another application than java executes jar files on your system, you may need to launch Sinalgo from the command line. This is probably the case if you see a window showing a directory structure after double clicking the jar file. To start Sinalgo from the command line, open the a command line and change to the unpacked directory of the toy release. Then, type java -jar sinalgo.jar

Regular Release

After downloading the regular release, unpack the compressed folder to your favorite location to work from. Depending on the IDE you are using, the following steps may differ. We first describe the general settings you need to achieve and then how to obtain these settings with Eclipse.

Class Paths

The following settings need to be set, either in your IDE, or on the command-line to compile and run the application.
  • The source-code is located in the folder src
  • The binaries are located in the folder binaries/bin
To compile from the command-line using ANT, call ant compile.

To run the application from the command line, call (for example)
java -cp binaries/bin sinalgo.Run
Refer to the Command Line Arguments section of the tutorial for more information about the command-line arguments to Sinalgo.

Setup in Eclipse

To setup Sinalgo for Eclipse, you need to create a new project in Eclipse and associate it with the downloaded regular release of Sinalgo.
  1. Start Eclipse, and create a new project ('File' -> 'New' -> 'Project')
  2. Select to create a 'Java Project' and click to proceed
  3. Name the new project, e.g. 'sinalgo'
  4. If you wish to import Sinalgo into your workspace, then
    1. Click on 'Finish' to create an empty project.
    2. Unpack the regular release to a temporary directory, and copy its content into the new project, overwriting the .classpath file.
    If you wish to store the source of Sinalgo in any different location, then
    1. Unpack the regular release to the desired location
    2. Select to create the project from an existing source, and point to the unpacked regular release of Sinalgo.
    3. Click on 'Finish' to create the project. The required settings are set automatically.
  5. Ensure that Eclipse is configured to use Java 5.0 or later:
    Open the Preferences dialog ('Window' -> 'Preferences') and select 'Java' -> 'Compiler'. The compiler compliance level should be set to 5.0 or higher.
    Also, ensure that Eclipse uses the JRE 5.0 or higher. In the Preferences dialog, ('Window' -> 'Preferences'), select 'Java' -> 'Installed JREs'. Ensure that the installed JRE points to the correct Java installation.
Note: Do not use the option Java Project from Existing Ant Build File. This feature creates symbolic links to the source of Sinalgo, and creates a local copy of the binaries only. Such a setup is not supported by Sinalgo, which expects the src and bin folder to be located in the same directory.

To start the application, right-click on the src folder in the Package Explorer or the Navigator of Eclipse, and select 'Run As' -> 'Java Application'.

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